2025 Women Who Rock Awards

Tue., Mar. 25, 11am-1pm 

Hilton Rialto


Join us for the Women Who Rock Awards Luncheon!

This is our opportunity to shine a light on inspiring women in our community.


Congratulations to our finalists!

 Watch the official event Facebook Page for spotlights featuring each of the finalists. We will be posting a few spotlights a day all month long!


You won't want to miss the excitement and positive-energy of this event as we recognize outstanding female leaders from across the Space Coast.


Tickets $50 - Get yours now!


Tomorrow! weVENTURE WBC invites graduates of the ATHENA Leadership Program and our CEO Peer Group program, as well as members of the League of Extraordinary Investors to come together for networking and fellowship as we celebrate International Women's Day tomorrow, Saturday, March 8th from 11:30am - 1:30pm at Marker 99 restaurant.


Ready to join the next cohort? Space Coast ATHENA Leadership Program begins April 24, 2025. Lean more and register here.


Join weVENTURE Women's Business Center coach, Sondee Lima, on Saturday, April 5 at the Franklin T. Degroodt Memorial Library in Palm Bay! Sondee will be giving a presentation on How to Start Your Business in Twelve Steps. She will present this informative seminar first in English and then an encore in Spanish! Register now for this FREE essential training:




Sat., Mar. 8International Women's Day Leadership Networking VIP Event (In Person)

Tue., Mar. 11Marketing Your Business to the Federal Government with SBA (Virtual Webinar Training)

Tue., Mar. 25Women Who Rock Awards Luncheon (In Person)



Tue., Apr. 1: Personal Credit with Fifth Third Bank (Virtual Webinar Training)

Sat., Apr. 5: How to Start Your Business in 12 Steps in English (In Person)

Sat., Apr. 5: Cómo Empezar Tu Negocio en 12 Pasos en Espanol (En Persona)

Thu., Apr. 10: AARP Work for Yourself @ 50+ (Virtual Workshop Training)

Thu., Apr. 17: Wine Women & Shoes VIP Sponsor Preview Party

Tue., Apr. 22: QuickBooks for Small Businesses Part 1 (Virtual Webinar Training)

Thu., Apr. 24ATHENA Leadership Program Space Coast cohort begins (In Person)

Tue., Apr. 29QuickBooks for Small Businesses Part 2 (Virtual Webinar Training)



Sat., Aug. 2: Wine, Women & Shoes (In Person)

Thu., Oct. 2: IMPACT Summit Business Leadership Conference (In Person)

weVENTURE | weventure.fit.edu | 321-674-7007

Serving Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie and Martin Counties.

Funded in part by a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.


El servicio en español está disponible. Llame o envíe un correo electrónico para coordinar su consulta gratuita. 



weVENTURE at Florida Institute of Technology | 150 W. University Blvd. | Melbourne, FL 32901 US

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